The themes discussed in each film are complex and thought-provoking. To enhance your understanding of how international humanitarian law takes account of the reality of waging war, while protecting civilians and people no longer taking part in the fighting, we have compiled a selection of resources, ranging from short animated videos, to more comprehensive references.
Danish Red Cross/ICRC
What are the basic rules of international humanitarian law (IHL)?
A one page table covering around 30 of the basic rules of IHL.
Five things you need to know about the rules of war
International Humanitarian Law, otherwise known as the rules of war, protect people in conflict and set limits on how wars are fought to preserve a degree of humanity in the worst of wartime.
French Red Cross
A Virtual Adventure to Discover IHL While Having Fun! (Une aventure virtuelle pour découvrir le DIH en s'amusant !)
Immerse yourself in an adventure where you will discover different themes of IHL, in the footsteps of someone dear to your heart. For ages 15 and over.
When war hits home: Augmented reality app
Step into a visceral, first-person experience of war at a family’s doorstep. Entering through a portal on the screen of your device, you will see the brutal impact of years of fighting in accelerated time as the virtual room transforms from a home of light and life to a dwelling of suffering and sadness. The app is free to download from the App Store.
The Right Choice: A virtual reality challenge inside urban conflict
This immersive virtual reality movie puts you next to a Syrian family trapped in urban warfare. The film uses a simulated experience to help people understand urban warfare and its impact on real lives and will give you a choice in the face of attack. It is downloadable on smartphones from the Google Playstore and the iOS Apple Store.
Rules of War in a Nutshell
Embark on a short, animated journey through the rules of war from the beginning of mankind to the present day.
Rules of War: Why they Matter
This series of four short animations will introduce you to the principles of international humanitarian law, the Geneva Conventions, international law regulating the use of force compared to international humanitarian law and finally the international human rights law and international criminal law.
What do the Red Cross and Red Crescent Emblems Mean?
A short, animated film explaining the different uses of these emblems.
International Humanitarian Law: Answers to your Questions
In this free booklet available for download you will find an ideal introduction to international humanitarian law. It is accessible to all readers interested in the origins, development, and modern-day application of humanitarian law.
IHL in Action: Respect for the Law on the Battlefield
This online platform presents a database of real case-studies documenting compliance with international humanitarian law in modern warfare.
Introduction to international humanitarian law (5 hours)
This is an in-depth intro course where you will learn about the origin and sources of international humanitarian law, as well as specific rules protecting civilians, detainees, the wounded and sick, and medical personnel. A downloadable certificate is available upon completion.
Swedish Red Cross
The Rules of War online course (40 min)
In this animated short course on international humanitarian law, you will test your skills as a journalist, rebel, soldier, and Red Cross worker in an armed conflict as you come across a weapons depot.
Danish Red Cross
Handbook on the Practical Use of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)
An encyclopaedic introduction to IHL concepts with particular relevance for aid workers.
German Red Cross
The German Red Cross and IHL (Broschüre das Deutsche Rote Kreuz und das humanitäre Völkerrecht)
A quick tour through historical developments and the applicable legal basis of international humanitarian war.
IHL: A Comprehensive Introduction
In this free publication available for download you will find contemporary issues related to international humanitarian law presented in an accessible and practical style.
German Red Cross
German Red Cross
The brochure “The German Red Cross and international humanitarian law”.
Constraints on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
This fourth edition focuses on the rules governing weapons, and the legal instruments through which respect for the law can be enforced. Combining theory and actual practice, this book appeals to specialists as well as to students turning to the subject for the first time.
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